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Terminalia Arjuna: 17 Rejuvenating Health Benefits

Terminalia Arjuna (commonly referred to as Arjuna) is an herbal tonic that improves blood supply to your heart. The bark of the tree is used to treat all issues, diseases, and disorders related to the heart. Arjuna is astringent, anti-aging, aphrodisiac, alexiteric (a preservative against infections and effects of poison), styptic (capable of stopping excessive … Continue reading “Terminalia Arjuna: 17 Rejuvenating Health Benefits”

Terminalia Arjuna (commonly referred to as Arjuna) is an herbal tonic that improves blood supply to your heart. The bark of the tree is used to treat all issues, diseases, and disorders related to the heart.

Arjuna is astringent, anti-aging, aphrodisiac, alexiteric (a preservative against infections and effects of poison), styptic (capable of stopping excessive bleeding), and anthelmintic (destroys parasitic worms).

All parts of the tree are medicinal and contain several bioactive ingredients, including arjungenin, tannins, flavonoids, flavones, luteolin, sterols, polyphenols, saponins, and gallets. The medicinal properties of the herb possibly,

Essential Medicinal Properties of Terminalia Arjuna:

Protects your heart:

Terminalia Arjuna is a cardio-protective herb that strengthens the heart muscles and treats cardiac frailty. It also enhances blood flow in the coronary artery and guards the heart muscles against ischemic damage (problems with blood vessels). The pumping of the heart and the functioning of the left ventricle are improved by the herb.

The extract of Arjuna also prevents cardio toxicity caused by catecholamine and beta-2-adrenergic

Arjuna is the best known ayurvedic herb to cure chest pains, irregular heart-beat, and coronary
artery diseases. The powder of arjuna bark can be taken in milk, ghee, or butter for better results.
The water extract of the herb is ideal if a person has recently undergone cardiac trauma.

Prevents malignant tumor growth:

The ethanolic extract of Arjuna possesses strong anticancer properties. Also, the bi-active
component like tannin prevents DNA damage and reduces tumor growth.

Cures liver cirrhosis:

The extract of Arjuna is recommended for Liver Cirrhosis. It is a liver tonic that fights against
helicobacter pylori bacteria and prevents damage to the gastric mucosa.

Treats Piles:

The curative constituents of arjuna is helpful in treating bleeding piles and leucorrhoea. The patient
should at least take 2-4 teaspoons twice a day.

Lowers blood cholesterol level:

Many herbal practitioners believe that Terminalia Arjuna lowers the bad cholesterol level in the
blood. Our body contains two types of cholesterol,

Low density lipoprotein (LDL)- Bad Cholesterol

LDL transports the cholesterol from liver to other parts of the body. The problem with this type of cholesterol is that it gets stored in the arteries leading to problems like blood clots and heart attack.

High density lipoprotein (HDL)- Good Cholesterol

HDL or good cholesterol carries cholesterol from the liver to other parts of the body but avoids its storage in the arteries and the formation of blood clots. HDL does not cause any type or heart diseases.

Gets rid of strong body odor:

The powder, made in equal composition from arjuna flowers, Jambu leaves and Lodhra bark, when applied over the body, helps in getting rid of shaming body odor. Try this composition if you tend to perspire a lot. The medicine is very useful in clearing excessive perspiration problem.

Promote Reunion of fractured bones:

Apply Arjuna bark paste over the fracture, it helps in early healing.

Reduces Acne:

Apply the paste of arjuna or in combination with other herbs along with milk helps to reduces pimples (acne).

Used for teeth-cleansing:

Arjuna twigs are used for teeth-cleansing since ages.

Treats High Blood Pressure:

The medicinal herb has diuretic properties, reduces the chances of blood clot formation, lowers blood lipid thereby helpful in treating of high blood pressure.

Prevents breast cancer:

The therapeutic herb contains a substance called casuarinin that prevents breast cancer.

A good antioxidant:

It is used as antioxidant to combat free radicals thus prevents many diseases and disorders. Arjuna may work as a pain killer due to its analgesic properties.


The use of the herb helps to prevent ulcer in the body. Its anti-ulcerative properties obstruct the occurrence of gastritis and gastric ulcers.


Arjuna enhances blood flow to genitals (sex organs) and facilitates hard erection. It is a natural sex stimulant known for its properties to solve libido problems. Its bark powder is commonly used to cure male infertility problems, including spermatorrhea, a condition of excessive, accidental, and involuntary ejaculation without an orgasm. It also used to cure sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhoea, a venereal disease involving inflammatory discharge from the urethra or vagina.

Stress Buster:

Arjuna helps in abolishing the effect of stress. Therefore, extending the functioning of your heart.

Blood thinner:

This healing elixir is used as a blood thinner too.


The calming effect of the herb is known to reduce the symptoms of giddiness, headache, and insomnia.

Aziz Herbal provides free doctor consultation for all your health problems. Men suffering from premature ejaculation and erection issues can try our new harmless medicine made from the goodness of nature.


Smegma: 3 Alarming Health Issues and Prevention

A human body is quite amazing, and it possesses self-cleaning properties. Our body releases substances and scents to help us determine the condition of our health. But, sometimes, a fishy odor could indicate that something is wrong.  What is Smegma? Smegma occurs naturally over the genitals of both men and women. It is a thick, … Continue reading “Smegma: 3 Alarming Health Issues and Prevention”

A human body is quite amazing, and it possesses self-cleaning properties. Our body releases substances and scents to help us determine the condition of our health. But, sometimes, a fishy odor could indicate that something is wrong. 

What is Smegma?

Smegma occurs naturally over the genitals of both men and women. It is a thick, white, cheesy substance that collects under the foreskin of the penis, on the penis tip, or in the folds of the vagina.

Smegma is the result of the accumulation of dead skin cells, oil secretions, and other fluids.

If the accumulation continues, smegma can become smelly or lead to an infection. As a result, it may lead to painful side effects, sexual problems, and damaged relationships.

Hence, periodical cleaning of the body parts is necessary.

Read: How to maintain hygiene and enhance sexual power.

Who is at Risk and Common Problems?

Smegma most commonly develops in uncircumcised men.  However, bacteria may grow in it, and the body parts may start smelling fishy. Those bacteria can also make the head of the penis swell up and hurt.

Some medical researchers believed that secretions building up underneath an intact foreskin might contain harmful compounds that can lead to cancer.

But, the recent studies have concluded that the penile cancer is not caused by the collections of secretions. However, it does increases the risk of cancer.

What is in Smegma?

Sebaceous glands in the penis or vagina discharge smegma to lubricate these parts of the body. It consists of epithelial debris, fatty oils, and proteins. Smegma itself is neither damaging nor an irritating substance, and also not carcinogenic.

Here is a detailed study published in The Circumcision Reference Library, debunking the myth.

The rancid, opaque white or yellow substance is very vital because without it the resultant friction during intercourse could result in penile injury or skin abrasion, leading to discomfort and soreness in the most sensitive areas of the body.  

Smegma aids in sexual functioning and protects the penis or clitoris. It prevents it from sticking to the adjacent skin and allows the seamless retraction of the foreskin during urination.

What Causes Smegma?

Smegma accumulation does not cause a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or any type of infection. Instead, in both men and women, it results from poor personal hygiene.

Our body naturally releases numerous fluids every day. If these fluids are not washed away regularly, it may start to accumulate and harden. Hence, you must wash your penis or vagina regularly to avoid this build-up.

What Health Problems it Causes?

Inflammation – Red and sore foreskin area due to forced retraction.

Infection – Smegma fuels the growth of infection-causing germs, including posthitis and balanitis. Balanitis (swelling of the glans) and balanoposthitis (soreness of the foreskin) could also result from smegma build-up. These health issues may require medical attention and are very painful.

Sometimes, such problems are treated with little long-term consequences.

In men, smegma build-up could cause some serious infection. Additionally, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) can lead to a sudden build-up of this cheesy substance, as can yeast infections. 

Phimosis – Recurrent infection could result in scarring and possibly phimosis, a condition in which the foreskin can’t be retracted over the head of the penis. This could result in recurrent balanitis as the condition makes it difficult to maintain good hygiene. An erection may cause the foreskin to split and bleed.

The tight foreskin due to secretion accumulation could also hinder urination. The foreskin adheres over the head of the penis and can’t be retracted.

In severe cases, phimosis may even require surgery for resolution. It is a distressing condition that could have a huge impact on marriage. 

Always remember that smegma, in its natural element, doesn’t have an odor. A very off-putting smell may result due to an infection.

How to Prevent Smegma Build-up?

Maintaining good hygiene is the best way to prevent the condition. One must properly clean the penis, including under and around the foreskin. Use warm water and natural soap to wash the genitals. 


Premature Ejaculation: Best Medicine- Aziz Majoon

In this section, we encourage you to ask questions related to Aziz Majoon: One of the safest & best medicine for premature ejaculation. Male Infertility is an issue that is growing with the fast pace of the modern world. Comment below or ask here. Thus, to get rid of health issues related to sex life, you should … Continue reading “Premature Ejaculation: Best Medicine- Aziz Majoon”

In this section, we encourage you to ask questions related to Aziz Majoon: One of the safest & best medicine for premature ejaculation.

Male Infertility is an issue that is growing with the fast pace of the modern world. Comment below or ask here.

Thus, to get rid of health issues related to sex life, you should bypass anxiety and stress. In addition, reduce alcohol consumption and stop smoking. Other simple strategies are avoiding intercourse for 2-3 days so that you can achieve better control in it.

Premature Ejaculation- Commonly Asked Questions:

Why do modern lifestyles create sexual problems?

The fast and stressful lifestyle leads to insomnia, uneasiness, and anxiety that lead to diminished libido.

So, we have carefully formulated an herbal medicine named Aziz Majoon to help you get rid of male infertility problem like premature ejaculation.

What is the common lifestyle-related male health issues?

While occupation, accomplishment, and wealth are at the top of the priority list today, one must not neglect the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, to get rid of health issues related to sex life, you should bypass anxiety and stress. In addition, reduce alcohol consumption and stop smoking.

Some of the common diseases pertaining to the way of living are:

  • atherosclerosis
  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • hypertension
  • cancer
  • low sperm count
  • erectile dysfunction
  • premature ejaculation
  • low sexual desire or libido

Why do most people hesitate to talk about sexual problems?

Since sex is responsible for reproduction, people must not neglect to discuss it. In a traditional society, sex is not discussed, frankly. People want to keep sexual details intimate and secret, but it can be discussed with the doctor who will keep the matters confidential.

What are the common male problems as a result of the unbalanced lifestyle?

A particularly important part of marital happiness is an active sex life. Passionate lovemaking with a strong libido will bring carnal happiness to both the partners.

If either partner has low libido or has a weakness, the sexual activity will suffer a lot. Sperm quality and quantity directly affect the chances of a successful conception.

How does erectile dysfunction harm the sex life?

Penetrative sex requires the penis to become rigid enough. However, impotence is the condition when the penis fails to become rigid and penetration cannot take place.

Impact of male infertility on married life?

The purpose of marriage is twofold. You need a partner for a lifetime to avoid loneliness. Besides, a child completes the dreams of marriage. Sexual problems become an obstruction in both senses. Neither there is physical enjoyment of sex nor are the chances of conception.

What are the indicators of impotence?

Since there are some physical or mental barriers, sex is not successful, and sexual activity decreases. The frequency of sex will reduce and over the period not practiced at all. Interest in sex will be gone or fading.

At such a time, it is necessary to find some remedies like Aziz Man Majoon.

Can herbal remedies bring relief to sexual problems?

Be assured that only natural remedies can work successfully over the long term. New chemical formulations make a lot of claims, but it will be a waste of time and money leading to disappointment. Even if they work, it will be temporary.

On the other, these medicines have many negative side effects.

What do you mean by natural herbal medicine?

Certain herbs have the aphrodisiac quality and that means stimulation of sexual desires. A few such drugs have been blended to create a powerful positive effect upon sexual functions.

Can Aziz Man Majoon help in resolving premature ejaculation issue?

Spermatorrhea is a sexual problem when the orgasm and release of sperm or ejaculation take place too early. Thus, quick ejaculation causes heartache, stress, and disappointment. This medicine will not only treat quick ejaculation condition but, also restore the natural prowess of manhood for long-lasting sexual experience.

What about the other problems concerned with sperm?

Sperm needs to be healthy and in sufficient quantity to give rise to conception. Low sperm count, dead sperm, and no sperm count are the problems with many men.

Therefore, sperm-related conditions require the potent natural remedy like Aziz Man Majoon to restore the balance and motivate healthy sperm in sufficient quantity.

How does one know that sperm problem exists?

A simple laboratory test will indicate the quantity of sperm present.

What will be the physical effect of the natural remedy?

Recovery of sexual power and higher testosterone, better metabolism, and blood circulation, and getting rid of male impotence and better sperm.


Aziz Man Capsule: Best Penis Enlargement Herbal Care

Discuss Problems for Better Solution In this section, you can ask questions related to our exclusive product Aziz Man Capsule, a penis enlargement capsule. Ask us anything about penis enlargement medicine, male infertility, impotence, and erectile dysfunction related problems. Our medical practitioners and healthcare experts would be more than happy to resolve your queries with … Continue reading “Aziz Man Capsule: Best Penis Enlargement Herbal Care”

Discuss Problems for Better Solution

In this section, you can ask questions related to our exclusive product Aziz Man Capsule, a penis enlargement capsule.

Ask us anything about penis enlargement medicine, male infertility, impotence, and erectile dysfunction related problems.

Our medical practitioners and healthcare experts would be more than happy to resolve your queries with prompt answers.

Comment below or email your queries to our online help desk.

Aziz Man Capsule Queries:

Does the herbal medicine Aziz Man Capsule boosts penis enlargement?

The pill most definitely enlarges the girth and length of the penis with a 40% increase in the erect condition. Also, some of our customers have reported growth of more than 2 inches in length.

So, do not waste time exploring other options. Aziz Men Capsule is a herbal medication with no side-effects, Buy Now!

What are the advantages of the penis enlargement pill?

You experience greater pleasure while making love with increased strength and a strong hard-on that will help you last longer. Besides this,

  • Increases girth of your penis
  • Helps you in indulging in most pleasurable, long, and passionate lovemaking
  • Stimulates hard and strong erections for an astonishing expression from your partner.
  • Enlarge your penis bigger, fully-erect by 40 %

Does the medicine help those men with low libido?

Certainly, Aziz Men Capsule is the ultimate solution for personal problems of small penis size and embarrassing sessions in bed.

In marriage, both partners seek pleasure, and this medicine enhances the sexual experience for both. She will be fully satisfied, and the conjugal relationship will be blessed.

Is it true that success in marriage depends upon sexual performance?

It is a complicated question with many factors, but sex is important, and fulfillment is necessary.

Since the man plays an active part, he needs sexual power, and the herbal remedy improves the quality and quantity of sex adventures.

Look forward to divine ecstasies of lovemaking for the greatest satisfaction on both sides.

What are the male problems that prevent good sexual performance?

A common factor for performance on the bed is extremely low testosterone. The male infertility problems are gradually on the rise due to stressful lifestyles that lead to anxiety and exhaustion.

Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs intake also interfere with good sexual performance. Relationships are suffering nowadays, and high self-esteem is hard to maintain.

Is it true that aging results in weak libido?

Research reveals that libido decreases with the increase of age, but nowadays it is seen that even middle-aged and younger men suffer low sex drive and erection problems.

Illnesses, sleep problems, and depression are getting common too and they interfere with the sex drive. It may be hard to believe that about 40% of men experience some of the difficulties that prevent successful sex performance.

How do natural elements stimulate sexual desires?

Ancient Ayurveda texts contain a lot of wisdom and refer to certain herbs and shrubs that arouse sexuality and they have been used for thousands of years with immense success.

Besides, the substances are used in the organic form in pristine condition. The ingredients work like magic and arouse passionate desires.

What other problems could arise regarding sexual function in men?

Low Libido

By low libido, we mean that the sex drive is too low.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation means that the sexual act cannot be maintained for the full duration because of early orgasm and ejaculation of sperm.

Further, if energy and stamina are lacking, sex will not be successful.

Erectile Dysfunction

The condition known as erectile dysfunction or impotence means that the penis cannot achieve the rigidity that is needed for satisfying sexual intercourse.

The herbal pill addresses each of the issues and brings lasting relief.

What is the difference of the natural remedies compared with other drugs?

The most crucial difference is that genuine natural remedies are completely safe as compared to other male fertility pills. They do not contain any chemicals and hence, there are no destructive side effects.

What about the cheaper drugs available over the counter?

The cost of natural remedies may be more but there are many advantages of organic products. Chemical-based medications may achieve fast results but there will be side effects and the changes will be temporary.

Is it true that the natural remedy will improve the sperm quality and quantity?

Many male problems arise due to insufficient sperm count. The goodness of ancient herbs in male enhancement capsule will help in overcoming issues, including

  • Sperm infertility
  • Poor semen quality
  • Impotency
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Nightfall

What are the natural remedies most famous for?

Most importantly, herbal medicines reduce the effects of aging and rejuvenate the physical and mental faculties. Just like the fertilizer improves soil quality, similarly, the herbs will revitalize the body and mind.

Certain herbs can help in effectively increasing the length and girth of the penis. These natural treatments mean there is absolutely no risk with the penis enlargement treatment. Several experts support that penis enlargement is possible.

What is the effect upon body metabolism?

Growth and physical changes depend upon metabolism and the herbal medicine speeds up metabolism and results in faster growth. The improvement in blood flow energizes the complete system.

How to Buy Aziz Men Capsule?

If you wish to enhance your sexual performance and to engage in highly satisfying lovemaking sessions, Aziz Men Capsule is the best herbal medicine in the market. Try it to believe it.

To order Aziz Men Capsule, call us on +91 9520488488.

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Slim Rose Supplement: No.1 Pick of the Bunch for Weight Loss

Slim Rose: Weight Loss Supplement for guaranteed results In this section, we encourage you to ask questions related to our leading, top picked weight loss product Slim Rose supplement. It is not possible to cover all questions, but we are mentioning most asked questions by the users. We would be more than happy to resolve … Continue reading “Slim Rose Supplement: No.1 Pick of the Bunch for Weight Loss”

Slim Rose: Weight Loss Supplement for guaranteed results

In this section, we encourage you to ask questions related to our leading, top picked weight loss product Slim Rose supplement. It is not possible to cover all questions, but we are mentioning most asked questions by the users.

We would be more than happy to resolve your queries and help you find your own way to maintain your body weight. Comment below or to personally clear your doubts with the best health experts call us on +91 9520488488.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why does excess weight give rise to negative feelings?

It is unfortunate that so many individuals suffer from being fat or thin, both being disadvantages in professional and social life. Herbal remedies provide a safe method of losing weight.

Can exercises and a reduced diet help lose weight?

While some people may succeed, it is not a definite solution, and the weight loss may not be permanent. The healthiest solution would be herbal remedies that burn fat, and no risk is involved.

Many overweight people are giving up about losing weight

After trying to lose weight for a long time and failing, people start feeling depressed and lose the motivation. Less of sugar and carbohydrates should reduce weight, but don’t. Get serious and decide in favor of natural remedies that will work.

How does the herbal medicine SLIM ROSE work?

The fats and cholesterol are prevented from dissolving in the body and there are no side effects.

It has no side effects and boosts your overall health unlike other medicines that can cause insomnia, nausea, and headache. However, Slim Rose helps you

  • Become healthy, energetic, and lean
  • Melts fats stored in tummy, chest, thighs, and hip region
  • Lower your appetite to minimize calorie intake
  • In raising fat metabolism

How Slim Rose can give the desired weight loss results?

The supplement is a right formulation of exotic herbs that can effectively fight against weight issues and health situations associated with it. It is enriched with herbs renowned for their prowess when it comes to shedding additional body fat for a slim. Achieve trim body, exactly what you have always desired.

Order it now and experience the results like never before in just 30 days

Many over the counter medicines are available for weight loss?

They promise many things, but they do not work. Many brands promise unbelievable results, but one feels cheated when they see no results after using the online weight lost products for months. Save yourself that pain and opt a unique weight loss supplement that is formulated with the help of ayurvedic experts.

On the other hand, such medicines may cause insomnia, nausea, and headache.

Is it necessary for overweight people to control the appetite?

Certainly, the herbal remedy helps by reducing the appetite and as a result, calorie consumption is reduced. The fat that is turned into energy helps during the low-calorie diet.

How is the fat metabolized with the herbal medicine?

It is the fat that needs to be destroyed and raising the metabolism does that. As a result, the fat that existed in the tummy and chest, thighs and hip are neutralized.

Is it true that herbal medicine bolsters energy?

As many people believe, feelings are everything. Once you start feeling healthy and energetic, light, and muscular, the euphoria will start a new chapter of happy weight loss.

This natural supplement amplifies body fat metabolism into muscular energy. It is a rich source of natural energy booster for people on low-calorie diet.

Get a slim body in just 30 days with the dedicated and motivated consumption of the herbal remedy.


All about Uruj Majoon Weight Gainer

Under this section, we will try to resolve all your possible queries related to our exclusive product Uruj Majoon. How it can be helpful in gaining weight without any side effect? What are the possibilities after that? Disadvantages of being thin and many more questions. You can also drop your questions in comment section or … Continue reading “All about Uruj Majoon Weight Gainer”

Under this section, we will try to resolve all your possible queries related to our exclusive product Uruj Majoon. How it can be helpful in gaining weight without any side effect? What are the possibilities after that? Disadvantages of being thin and many more questions. You can also drop your questions in comment section or contact us.

Why are some people very thin?

The reasons could be many like genetic factors that run in the family. Hyperthyroidism, anorexia and bulimia are some ailments that reduce weight. A very fast metabolism rate also results in loss of weight.

Is it really important to put on weight for underweight people?

Certainly, The society has some definitions for the ideal weight. Those who are very thin are disliked as being weak and unhealthy.

What are the disadvantages of being thin?

A healthy body in a healthy mind is an appropriate description of an ideal person. A thin body will not be strong and may be attacked by ailments due to the weak immunity since the body cannot fight against disease.

Why is the society prejudiced against thin people?

The present-day society gives excessive importance to the appearance. Body shape and structure should be pleasing and being rather thin is a disadvantage.

Will it be possible to gain weight in a healthy way?

Uruj Majoon is the healthy answer that contains herbal ingredients to increase weight. It not only adds weight but builds up strength too.

Is weight gain associated with the appetite?

Though weight gain includes several factors, a good appetite is an important aspect. Stomach cells being strengthened by the herbal ingredients, a better appetite is certain.

Is strength gained along with the increase in weight?

Metabolism is improved and immunity to disease is strengthened. Stamina and energy levels increase. Glutens and additives are not found in the herbal composition.

Is the weight increase supplement for all ages?

The herbal supplement works well with all ages. Follow a healthy diet and regular eating and sleeping hours. Avoid substance abuse like alcohol and tobacco for the best results.

How long will it take to put on weight?

The herbal supplement works very fast and the results may differ from person to person but the weight gain effects will be noticed very soon.

How Lean Guys Can Gain Weight Naturally?

Some people might gain weight easily and for them shedding it quickly is a big problem. Similarly, some people struggle to gain weight and are equally a big challenge. Most of us feel that gaining weight is much easier than losing weight. But, its nothing but a big misconception. Think again. Gaining weight with proper … Continue reading “How Lean Guys Can Gain Weight Naturally?”

Some people might gain weight easily and for them shedding it quickly is a big problem. Similarly, some people how lean guys can gain weightstruggle to gain weight and are equally a big challenge. Most of us feel that gaining weight is much easier than losing weight. But, its nothing but a big misconception.

Think again.

Gaining weight with proper muscular structure is not easy. Maintaining proper weight to look great is very important. Too fat or thin makes people feel awkward and may have to frequently deal with negative comments on appearance. That’s not good for self-confidence, is it?

Whether you are underweight or finding it difficult to gain some muscles, this article will highlight few ways to overcome the problem naturally.

What do you mean by “Underweight”?

Lean or skinny people have a low body mass index. Those who have BMI lower than 18.5 are considered as underweight. They have a lean body structure and face equally damaging consequences and obese individuals.

Health consequences of being Skinny

Being underweight can have equally bad effects on the body as being overweight. Low body mass index may be worse for men than women. Underweight or skinny people are at higher risk of death than overweight or obese population. Other health consequences include,

Low or No Immunity

Being too skinny means your immune system is operating on low steam. You’re more susceptible to flu and infections. You might find yourself prone to a cough and colds, and recovery from such ailments is very slow. If you’re recovering from a surgery, being underweight might slow down the healing process.

Nutrition deficiency

Lean body structure could signal that your diet is not nutrition rich. It may also suggest that you are suffering from a medical condition, such as infection, diabetes, or celiac disease, that prevents the body from absorbing nutrients.

This can cause iron-deficiency or amino acid deficiency. This may make you feel lethargic or weak and stop you from reaching optimal energy levels. You may look dull, your hairs dry out, muscle mass reduces, and suffer from sleep deprivation.

How to Gain Weight Naturally

To avoid all the above conditions, follow these tips to gain weight in healthy and naturally:

Eat more calories more than body needs

Intake more calories than your body burn to gain weight. You can use a calorie calculator to track your calorie intake. For steady weight gain, you must aim for 300-500 calories per day. If you are aiming for quick weight gain aim for 700-1000 calories.

For healthy and high-calorie intake, Eat

Dry Fruits & Fruit Juice

It includes Dried Cherries, Dried Blueberries, Raisins, Dates, Dried Apricots, Dried Peaches, Figs, Prune Juice, Grape Juice, Passion Fruit Juice, Pineapple Juice and Pomegranate Juice. 1 cup of dry fruit contains 447 calories.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter helps in building muscle, burn harmful fat, and even fight heart disease. Even though we love its taste, we need to consume it sparingly. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter contains 100 calories. So, spread it on your bread in limited quantity.

Dark Chocolate

It is easy to get carried away with dark chocolate, we all love it. But, eat this delicious treat in moderate amounts or else you may constipate. Some bar of dark chocolate contains 600 calories.

Consume Carb, Fat, Protein Rich Foods

Eat foods that are rich in carbs, protein and fats. To gain weight you must at least eat 3-4 meals in a day. Squeeze in a snack right before going to bed. All the healing of wear and tear our body goes through takes place while we sleep.

Eat 135 gm of protein per day. To hit these numbers munch on whole protein food with every meal.

Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt contains almost double the amount of protein that ordinary plain yoghurt. It is one of the better options for weight gain. Greek yoghurt has 100 calories, 17 grams of protein and 6 grams of carbs.

Fish & Meat

To gain weight fast eat fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna. Beef, as well as chicken, are good for weight gain. With fish every serving is packed with high quality calories, protein, and healthy omega 3 fats.

Workout to Build Muscles

urooj box 600x600

Go to gym to build some muscles. Weights you lift forces your body to build some muscle

. The high protein, carbs and calories your body intakes are utilized to recover muscles and build new ones.

If you need supplements to boost your weight gain, try Urooj Majoon, an instant weight gainer supplement from Aziz Herbal Healthcare. It is completely gluten and additives free. Blended

with the natural herbs known to enhance body weight.

9 Bad Habits that Are Reducing Your Sperm Count

Man and woman play an equally important role when it comes to making a baby. However, to conceive, man’s sperm must be healthy and strong. A woman carries baby in her womb and delivers it after 9 months.

habits for sperm countMan and woman play an equally important role when it comes to making a baby. However, to conceive, man’s sperm must be healthy and strong. A woman carries baby in her womb and delivers it after 9 months. Continue reading “9 Bad Habits that Are Reducing Your Sperm Count”

How to Increase Sperm & Semen Volume

Trying to increase your sperm volume and ejaculation loads? The same old advice is applicable to all- drink more water. There are plenty foods, fluids and supplements you can opt for better ejaculation. However, to succeed you must try different options.

Trying to increase your sperm volume and ejaculation loads? The same old advice is applicable to all- drink more increase sperm countwater. There are plenty foods, fluids and supplements you can opt for better ejaculation. However, to succeed you must try different options.

Continue reading “How to Increase Sperm & Semen Volume”

Winter Weight Gain: Studies blame Lack of Vitamin D for Obesity

Is Winter Weight Gain a Real Problem? Most of us find difficult to roll out of bed, especially when it’s cold and chilly outside. We feel inflated and the temptation to lie on the bed increases. This increases the severe risk of weight gain. However, as we all know, there must be some science that could … Continue reading “Winter Weight Gain: Studies blame Lack of Vitamin D for Obesity”

Is Winter Weight Gain a Real Problem?

Most of us find difficult to roll out of bed, especially when it’s cold and chilly outside. We feel inflated and the temptation to lie on the bed increases. This increases the severe risk of weight gain. However, as we all know, there must be some science that could explain why suddenly laziness creeps up in winter.

Winter weight gain

Continue reading “Winter Weight Gain: Studies blame Lack of Vitamin D for Obesity”

How to Enhance Sexual Power for Joyous Marriage?

If you’re looking to enhance sexual power or fire for all night red hot performances in bed, you’re not alone. All men are looking for ways to enhance their sexual power. They want to rock the woman’s world and leave her daydreaming about them. Even after years of marriage, every couple experiences gloom in thei

If you’re looking to enhance sexual power or fire for all night red hot performances in bed, you’re not alone. All men are looking for ways to enhance their sexual power. They want to rock the woman’s world and leave her daydreaming about them.

Image result for How to Enhance Sexual Power for Joyous Marriage

Even after years of marriage, every couple experiences gloom in thei

Continue reading “How to Enhance Sexual Power for Joyous Marriage?”

8 Adverse Effects of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can have adverse effects on your body. It primarily affects the spinal cord and may impact other body parts too.

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can have adverse effects on your body. It primarily affects the spinal cord and may impact other body parts too.

Continue reading “8 Adverse Effects of Ankylosing Spondylitis”

5 Easiest Ways to Lose Weight, Without Sweating

Planning to lose weight this winter? Tired of going through the tips for weight loss online. Nothing seems to work as planned. Right? For most people losing weight in winter is an uphill task. The cold chilly weather increases our appetite. We all tend to have more cravings for carbs. Our blood supplies nutrients to … Continue reading “5 Easiest Ways to Lose Weight, Without Sweating”

Planning to lose weight this winter? Tired of going through the tips for weight loss online. Nothing seems to work as planned. Right?

For most people losing weight in winter is an uphill task. The cold chilly weather increases our appetite. We all tend to have more cravings for carbs. Our blood supplies nutrients to our body, which depend on the food we intake. Food breaks down, gets metabolized and transfers nutrients to our body through blood. This generates energy, which increases our body temperature.

So, when nutrient-dense blood is pumped into our body, we feel warmer.

Moreover, in winter we all turn lazy, hesitate to step out of our warm and cosy blankets. Low and dropping temperature reduces our body heat too. This condition stimulates hunger and we tend to munch on anything that is in front of us. Exactly because of these reasons we tend to put on unwanted pounds. Also, remember that hunger is the side-effect of less water intake.

So, now the question arises that how do we control this and stay fit. It is crucial that we choose what we Eat very wisely. Here are the easiest, laziest, and simplest ways to lose weight without worrying about gym routines,

Efficient Tips for Weight Loss

Proper Sleep

Bleary mornings and a crabby attitude aren’t the only side effects of insufficient sleep, missing out on shut-eye can also lead to weight gain. In fact, researchers at Columbia University found that people who sleep less than 7 hours per night are heftier, gain more weight over time, and have a tougher time losing weight!

As per the article published on Times Now, a research entitled ‘Impact of Chronic Cold Exposure in Humans’ by Australian scientist Dr Paul Lee, from Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney highlighted that snoozing in winter increases brown fat and enhances the metabolism of our body.

Brown fat, also known as good fat, can help in burning more calories and destroy harmful white fat from our body. This brown fat not only helps you lose weight but also reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, and more.

Here are the benefits of sleeping for at least 7 hours in chilly weather

  • Rests late-night eating and munching habits
  • Helps burn calories by eating less
  • Boosts fat loss
  • Maintains concentration and brain focus level

Foods with High Water Content

Eat high water content foods to lose weight fast. Consume fruits, vegetables, and soups that are high in water and aid weight without adding calories. Beat the extra pounds by hydrating and replenishing your body.

Dense Protein Intake

A high protein intake diet boosts weight loss apart from other numerous health benefits. Ingestion of protein-rich diets helps you shed those unwanted belly fats. Keep your stomach full, while also stimulating the fat-burning muscle.

In addition, a research carried out by the University of Washington suggests that a protein-dense diet controls those uncontrollable munching craving. It appears to force the brain into thinking that you’ve eaten more than you have.

However, try sticking to lean protein. Avoid high-fat meat and dairy products, which are strictly a no-no for your health, especially the heart. Choose low-fat milk, skinless chicken breasts, fish, eggs etc. In short, protein makes you eat fewer calories automatically.

Proper Water Intake

Water has no exception properties that can reduce weight magically. However, one of the best and healthiest things to do to shed extra body fat is by drinking more water. It boosts calorie burning process by suppressing your appetite.

But in cold weather people tend to drink less water. Actually, good water intake not only helps you to keep your body hydrated but curbs hunger and also prevents snacking habits for the wrong reasons. It diligently boosts energy levels and keeps mind fresh. So, maintaining proper water consumption throughout the day will ensure that your body is replenished and also gets rid of toxins and other waste materials that get accumulated in the body leading to different skin issues and health hazards.

Exposure to Sunlight

This is a bit surprising factor for all of us. We all know that early morning sun rays provide our body with rare vitamin D found in other sources. New studies and research have revealed that exposure to sunlight is linked to weight loss. How?

Sunlight prevents a dip in serotonin secretion, a mood-enhancing chemical that is also partly responsible for creating a feeling of fullness and curbing hunger. It is believed that bright light, or even an exposure to artificial light in the morning, can reduce appetite and hunger. Lower levels of this brain chemical are often associated with depression, insomnia and weight gain.

Here, we have explained five easiest ways to lose body weight. If you hate visiting gyms than try the above-mentioned tricks along with a natural, healthy weight loss supplement from Aziz Herbal.

You would also like to read our new blog: FOODS YOU MUST STOP EATING NOW TO LOSE WEIGHT THIS WINTER






Why Choose Aziz Men Capsule for Natural Enlargement?

Aziz Men Capsule Do you feel that you always leave your partner craving for more in the bed? Men always relate sexual act and performance with their ego. They never want to fail in the sexual relationship. This leads to biggest fear in them which converts to distress and anxiety. This fear related to bedroom … Continue reading “Why Choose Aziz Men Capsule for Natural Enlargement?”

Aziz Men Capsule

Do you feel that you always leave your partner craving for more in the bed? Men always relate sexual act and performance with their ego. They never want to fail in the sexual relationship. This leads to biggest fear in them which converts to distress and anxiety. This fear related to bedroom thriller can cause doldrums in the performance. Plus, if the female is not patient enough then the relationship can go for a toss. Aziz Men Capsule can help you get rid of this fear.

Is your mind is into the vicious circle of questions like:

How do I control early ejaculation?
Can I boost my testosterone levels?
Can I improve the quantity and quality of my sperm?
Are there natural ways to increase penis size?
Are there surgical procedures for penis enlargement?
How do I get rid of pearly penile papules?
Why is it so difficult to get hard after the first round?
Could weight lifting and supplement use affect penis size?
Is it normal to have a low sex drive at 39?
My penis differs in size when erect. Is this normal?
My libido lowers when I exercise. What’s the problem?
I take forever to ejaculate. Could it be psychological?

and many more questions.

Here are some of the fears that leave men nervous before a steamy sexual encounter

Penis Size

The fear of leaving the girl unsatisfied haunts men. Most men feel that if they had 2-3 inches bigger tool like mostly shown in porn films, they can please their girl easily. Most women feel bigger is better, this keeps men worrying about- what if she is not impressed by the tool size and loses interest in the act, or what if the act is not sensual and pleasurable as desired. All this has a deep effect on men’s thoughts and ego.

This is where herbal male enlargement medicine like- Aziz Men Capsule can help you overcome your organ size fear. Note, this medicine is made of herbal, natural ingredients and has no side effects on your body.

Premature Ejaculation

Fear of premature ejaculation also leads to distress and embarrassment in men. While men make all the efforts to satisfy their women, the duration of the lovemaking and heavy romping session can again create anxiousness. It is a common hesitation, which a man comes across when they suffer from premature ejaculation.

Consumption of Aziz Men Capsule can solve your premature ejaculation problem. Just focus on the act and different positions you want to try. Enhance the duration of your lustful act with long humping sessions till you completely satisfy your women. Buy Now 

Erectile Dysfunction

This is one of the most common conditions that affect more than 10 million cases per year in India. This condition causes stress, relationship strain, and low self-esteem. The main symptom is an inability to maintain firm enough erection for the sexual encounter.

This problem is treatable with regular consumption of the Aziz Men Capsule. It has proven to be more effective when it comes to erectile dysfunction.

Key Benefits of Herbal Capsule

Aziz Men Capsule is absolutely safe, secure and has numerous benefits. Here are the reasons why this capsule is a good option to overcome all the fears and health issues explained above.

100% Safe, No Side Effect:

Herbal and Natural elements work together to promote general health and virtually eliminates negative consequences of inferior products. Most men have used Aziz Men Capsule which attests to its effectiveness.

Right Combination of Natural Ingredients:

Herbal ingredients are used as aphrodisiacs or male boosters for long penis, better erections, and improved sexual energy. Organic herbs are harmless and contain no active chemicals as in prescribed medications like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis.

No Physician Appointments:

No need to visit a doctor and get a prescription for men enlargement medicine. Aziz Men Capsule is a widely used natural male enhancement capsule sed when there are concerns about premature ejaculation and low sexual libido. No medical supervision is required.

Quick, Assured Result:

Notice stronger and longer erection just after the first week. By the end of the third week, the length of the penis will start showing improvement. Experience longer, stronger and sustained erections with better control over ejaculation.

After 6 months, one can experience significant growth in the length of the penis. While being much thicker, penis girth increases by 25%. Men will have longer erections, strong control over ejaculation, and more intense and bright orgasms. These effects are permanent.

Boost Sex Drive

The active components of the natural enhancement pill for men increases sexual desire, stamina, and energy. Men with low sex drive must opt for Aziz Men Capsule. Once you start taking the capsules, you will surely enjoy long, hot active sex sessions. Get ready to share more intense moments of intimacy together.

Exceptional Mood Booster

Normally, with age men’s stamina tends to decrease. They start noticing a significant decrease in energy and endurance levels. If you have started experiencing that your stamina is starting to fade, then you must consider taking male enhancement pill- Aziz Men Capsule.

Most men who are embarrassed to consult a doctor, have a small penis and face impotency related problems. Aziz Men Capsule offers a realistic approach to help improve, relieve symptoms and help improve their mood and self-confidence.

Affordable Pricing

Aziz Men Capsule is affordable and available at best market price. It makes it one of the most popular and often used of the natural penis pills. And why not? Male health should not be an expensive proposition.
If you want a long penis and have a more pleasurable sex life, then consider the use of herbal pills. Your sex life should not suffer when there is lots of help available for you, so be proactive and order Aziz Men Capsules today!

Busting Common Myths of Male Sex Drive

Sexual desire of both male and female is one subject associated with human health that has been under a lot of scrutinies. Day by day more people are asking questions about it and there are myths associated with male sex drive. Lack of sexual desire is a taboo subject for both men and women. No … Continue reading “Busting Common Myths of Male Sex Drive”

Sexual desire of both male and female is one subject associated with human health that has been under a lot of scrutinies. Day by day more people are asking questions about it and there are myths associated with male sex drive.

Lack of sexual desire is a taboo subject for both men and women. No one is really good at discussing it freely due to ego associated with it. And this is why the myths are continuing to thrive more.

A low desire of sex has been a primary reason for the rift in the most relationship, and it is a time that we understand the issue more clearly. Partners should express love, affection, and care in such condition when one of them is already facing the heat of low libido.

Let us dive deep into the topic and bust the myths related to male sex drive one by one,

Myths of Male Sex Drive

Myth #1: Men are always crazy for sex

We all have heard this at some point in time that sex drive is high in men and they need sex all the time. We assume that man’s sexual desire is thriving and hence, is the least spoken topic. Well, It’s not true at all.

Men and women both have the equal desire to indulge in an act of love-making or reproduction. However, women may lose interest in sex due to different reasons, including childhood abuse, unaddressed relationship issues, juggling nature of lifestyle, and more. The reason in women may vary and same may be the case with men.

When freed from the above negative conditions, women are equally erotic and connected in sex as men. Sometime men may feel aroused and there are times when he might not even think of it.

Myth #2: I’m unable to turn him on, it must be because he is no longer interested in me or does not love me anymore

Men’s sex drive is very rarely about lack of interest or love, that’s the issue. Dip in sex drive is common for both men and women.

Libido is a naturally meant to reproduce and ensure the survival and growth of our species. So, human sex drive can be high and it can be low depending upon the different stages of life.

When in love, everything is really an exciting experience. Dopamine, happy drug is rushing through the body at this time, boosting sexual drive.

Myth #3: Men just care about getting laid

This is the most interesting myth surrounding sexual drive. The question has emerged due to growing number of acts of sexual harassment and rapes around the world.

However, the myth is far away from being true.

Men also love being loved. It means a lot to them. They also want to be cuddled, cared, and spend. However, here men must be more open with their better half. If you hide the fact behind low sexual desire, your partner may feel rejected and hurt.

Myth #4: If he’s not getting erection, he’s avoiding sex

Not getting an erection while indulging in the romantic act does not mean he is not interested in sex. Low sexual desire or erectile dysfunction is the main subject that hurts men pride and is really embarrassing for him. So, he may not speak about it, but the chances are that he may not be in a proper mental state, or may be facing health issue that needs treatment and supervision.

Now, get rid of the above damaging stereotypes and seek medical help if needed. Aziz Herbal Healthcare can help increase male libido with the help of natural herbs. Get in touch with us, if you are facing any problems pertaining to low libido.

Raging for a child? Infertility Causes and Treatment

Trying to get pregnant for a while, but still did not succeed. Wondering what’s wrong? It can be really frustrating and disappointing if it takes more time to conceive than expected. There might be many reasons behind the inability to conceive. Male infertility and female infertility are primary reasons. Just by ditching pills and throwing … Continue reading “Raging for a child? Infertility Causes and Treatment”

Trying to get pregnant for a while, but still did not succeed. Wondering what’s wrong? It can be really frustrating andRaging for a child infertility Causes and Treatment disappointing if it takes more time to conceive than expected. There might be many reasons behind the inability to conceive. Male infertility and female infertility are primary reasons.

Just by ditching pills and throwing condoms, one can’t expect to achieve pregnancy immediately.  Sometimes it may require painstaking efforts and lots of patience.  Let us understand infertility, causes, and its treatment.


Infertility, a disability of the reproductive system, is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after regular unprotected sexual intercourse for 1 year or more. Duration is 6 month if a woman is more than 35 years old. The condition equally affects both men and women. Infertility issues are mostly treatable.


  • Nearly 1 in 7 couples face troubles in conceiving or sustaining it until the end
  • A couple aged between 29-33 years  has only a 20-25% chance of conceiving in any given month
  • Infertility affects nearly 15% of world population
  • 20-35% infertile cases are due to a combination of factors
  • Studies have found that chances of pregnancy after 30 decreases by 5-10%

Facts for males

  • 20 million sperm/mL is considered as a healthy sperm count
  • 1 in 20 men has some kind of fertility problem
  • 1 in 100 men suffers from absolutely no sperm count
  • Around 50% infertile males have low sperm count
  • In 81% couple facing secondary infertility, varicocele is the primary factor
  • Age matters in men as after 40 sperm quality starts declining
  • 30% men in age group 40-79 suffer from testosterone deficiency
  • 1 in 5 men between 18-25 age group have the low sperm count

Facts for females

  • In women, 25% of infertility cases are because of blocked fallopian tubes
  • 30-35% infertile women suffer from endometriosis
  • PCOS affects nearly 4-18% healthy and fertile, women

Male Infertility:

Male infertility is a biological condition in which a man is unable to impregnate a woman due to health conditions like erectile dysfunction, poor sperm quality etc. It is a widespread problem and is primarily related to quantity and quality of the sperm.

Various reasons are associated with the problem of infertility. Studies reveal that half of all cases of childlessness are an effect of female circumstances, while the rest are caused by either sperm disorders or faceless factors. According to the one survey.

  • About 40% cases of infertility are due to problems in the man
  • Other 40% cases of infertility are due to a problem in the woman
  • About 10% cases of infertility are due to problems in both, man and woman
  • Remaining 10% cases of infertility are due to unknown reasons

From above statistics, it is very clear that men and women are equally responsible for infertility.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

  • Changes in hair growth rate
  • Low sexual desires
  • Pain in testicles, lump or swelling
  • Erection and ejaculation issues
  • Small, hard, and firm testicles

Risk factors that cause infertility in men

Here is the list of risk factors that are contributing highly to increasing male infertility across the globe.

  • Prolonged use of recreational drugs
  • Overdrinking
  • Smoking
  • Intense and heavy workout
  • Anabolic steroid use
  • Spinal injuries and surgery of bladder prostate
  • Hernia fixing
  • Prescription drugs
  • Malnutrition and anemia
  • Depression, Diabetes, Obesity
  • Excessive Stress
  • Inadequate Vitamin C and Zinc in the diet.

Couples must consider above-mentioned risk factors before trying to have a baby.

Female Infertility

In female various health conditions, including endometriosis, PCOS, irregular menstruation, and obesity cause infertility issues. Sometimes the reason remains unknown. Both male and female is healthy but still unable to conceive.

Risk Factors that Cause Infertility in Females

Ovulatory disorders are one of the most common reasons why women are powerless to visualize and account for 30% of women’s childlessness. The causes of female infertility are as follows:

  • Hormonal Problems
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Scarred Ovaries
  • Premature Menopause
  • Follicle Problems
  • Infection
  • Abdominal Diseases
  • Previous Surgeries
  • Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Congenital Defects
  • Behavioral Factors

These are major factors that cause infertility in women. If a couple aiming to start their own family encounter any of the above-mentioned problems must seek the help of a doctor.

Aziz Herbal is one such organization which offers natural products that can effectively help in enhancing fertility in men as well as women. Men can opt for ferti-tone to easily overcome sperm count and motility issues.


How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common condition in which a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse. The condition may also result in the lower sex drive and can hamper the performance in between the sheets. Sexual health is directly related to genitalia but can be observed in … Continue reading “How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction?”

Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common condition in which a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse. The condition may also result in the lower sex drive and can hamper the performance in between the sheets. Sexual health is directly related to genitalia but can be observed in patients’ due to several reasons.

The fear of not being able to rise to the occasion can become a nightmare for men. People facing such a situation won’t speak out as the condition is often related to the failure, loss of dignity, and masculinity. Don’t be hard on yourself and seek medical help quickly.

Erectile Dysfunction Reasons:

Here are the reasons why men are facing impotence issues,

  • One in three men (under the age of 40) sought help for erectile dysfunction
  • Around 10 million cases per year are observed in India
  • Nearly 30 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction in the US
  • At age 40, approximately 40 % of men are affected. This rate increases to 70 % in men aged 70.
  • It is estimated that only 33 % of people suffering from erectile dysfunction seek help and advice for their condition.

What factors cause Erectile Dysfunction

  • Obesity or overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart issues, like High blood pressure and atherosclerosis
  • Depression or psychological breakdown
  • Anxiety
  • High cholesterol
  • Prostate or bladder surgery
  • Spinal cord or nervous system disorders
  • Smoking & drinking
  • Use of illicit drugs
  • Lack of Nutritious Food

What are the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

A person might suffer from erectile dysfunction if he has

  • trouble getting an erection
  • difficulty maintaining an erection in between sheets
  • less interest in sex

Certain key symptoms you must keep track on are,

  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Prolonged Ejaculation
  • Unable to ejaculate even after ample stimulation, also known as Anorgasmia

If you are facing any of the above-mentioned problems, you must consult a doctor. It can become a serious issue if it persists for more than 2 months.

How to take care of your sexual health?

The patient, disturbed with impotence, face a physical and psychological condition that results in stress, drifts in relationships, and low self-confidence. They should take care of some other things besides taking medicines, such as walking in a park morning and evening.

As per the study conducted at Harvard, walking on the open ground for 30 minutes can help the patient easily overcome this problem.

The impotence patient should pay more attention to their diet too. Above all, include nutritious food in the diet, like ghee, milk, and butter increases the physical strength of the body. Furthermore, fruit juice can also help enhance testosterone levels.

How can natural food supplements help you overcome Erectile Dysfunction?

  • Take 1 spoon Jamun Seeds (Berries) powder with 2 Spoon of honey at night
  • Dry Water Caltrop (Singhara) halva is very beneficial for nepotism
  • Grind watermelon dry seed and sugar and have it on early mornings and evenings with milk
  • Have raw chickpeas (Chana) for breakfast
  • Have carrot juice in the morning and evening
  • Try dry dates with milk

Discover herbal medicine made from the secrets of ancient Ayurveda at Aziz Herbal. Overcome complications associated with erectile dysfunction or impotence with the goodness of nature.

How to Overcome Nightfall Problem?

Nightfall or nocturnal emission problem is determined as involuntary or unknowing ejaculation while sleeping at night or early in the morning. At the age of puberty and occasionally in adulthood men start experiencing arousal from erotic dreams leading to ejaculation at night, which is referred to as nightfall or wet dreams. Wet dreams or Swapnadosh, … Continue reading “How to Overcome Nightfall Problem?”

Nightfall or nocturnal emission problem is determined as involuntary or unknowing ejaculation while sleeping at how to overcome nightfallnight or early in the morning. At the age of puberty and occasionally in adulthood men start experiencing arousal from erotic dreams leading to ejaculation at night, which is referred to as nightfall or wet dreams.

Wet dreams or Swapnadosh, as mentioned in Ayurveda is a natural and quite normal. However, if experienced frequently, one must seek for expert help and guidance to overcome it.

So, are you facing Nightfall issues? Troubled with wet dreams? Unaware why all this is happening to you? Find answers to more questions like this in our FAQ section.

Wet dreams can really be frustrating, as it leaves young men wondering and most of them don’t understand the reason behind it. They also find it awkward to discuss the situation with elders in the house.

This article provides a practical guide on how to stop the nightfall as well as the causes of nightfall.

What causes Nightfall?

The primary reasons vary from individual to individual. The most common reasons are sexual thoughts, over masturbation, hormonal imbalance and unfulfilled sexual desires. Other reasons include,

    • Watching Porn Videos
    • Weak Reproductive Organs
    • Wrong Sleeping Patterns
  • Medical conditions

Few Myths

There are few myths surrounding this condition due to its complex nature. Here are some of the most common myths of nightfall

    • Wet dream is not common and is a very rare condition
    • Nightfall only afflicts perverts
    • Frequent nightfall can lead to erection issues
    • It occurs in young men, who indulge in regular masturbation
    • Non-vegetarian food can deteriorate the issue.
  • It cannot be treated

How to get rid of it?

Here are a few things that you can try to limit wet dreams issue.

    • Jog or brisk walk for at least 30 minutes daily
    • Avoid consumption of liquid for at least 2 hours before going to sleep
    • Avoid watching porn movies, nude picture because this could lead to wet dreams
    • Listen to soothing music for complete peace of mind
    • Reading books to relax your brain and for a sound sleep
    • Stop thinking about it or entertaining the fear of nightfall while sleeping because this could increase the chances of occurring
    • Constipation or an upset digestive system also sometimes causes wet dreams
    • Wake up early in the morning and drink 2 glass of light warm water before the bowel
    • Before going to bed, never drink warm milk, hot tea, or coffee
    • Not only avoid heavy dinner but also avoid spicy and junk food
    • Wash your hands and legs with cold water before going to bed
  • Kegel exercise is also beneficial in controlling Nightfall

What are the Symptoms of Nightfall, Wet Dreams?

Some of its most common symptoms are

    • Pain in body joints
    • Lack of concentration
    • Anaemia
    • General malaise
    • Pain in the testicles
    • Gastric complaints
    • Fatigue
    • Indigestion
    • Constipation
    • Hair loss
  • Sleep cycle disruption

How to cure Nightfall/Wet Dreams Naturally?

Bottle Gourd Juice

Bottle gourd juice cools your system and helps you stop nightfall. Take half a glass of the juice just before going to bed.


Another useful remedy to stop nightfall is drinking gooseberry juice before going to bed. The juice reduces the internal body heat.

Sage Tea

At least two cups of sage tea every day is very helpful. The ideal time to drink sage tea morning and just before the bedtime.


Pomegranate is a wonder fruit which helps in reducing the frequency of your wet dreams helps in treating it naturally. You can have fruit daily or drink its juice.

Fenugreek & Honey

If prone to wet dreams, add one tablespoon of fenugreek powder and one tablespoon of honey to a cup of tea. Drink this tea twice in the day to get rid of wet dreams.


Add this special spice to tea and food to prevent wet dreams. Garlic contains allicin that helps in raising the blood flow to a man’s penis thus, reducing the chance of wet dreams.


The probiotic content of curd is another helpful remedy to cure nightfall, wet dreams naturally. Consume one tablespoon of curd before going to bed.


Raw onions help cure wet dreams. Its acidic properties balance the juices in the body and thus, reduces the problem of nightfall.

Aziz Herbal also offers a totally natural medication for the persistent problems of wet dreams. Regular intake posses no side-effects and helps overcome the problem effectively within 2-3 months. Natural ingredients offer other health benefits too.

If there are any doubts and seeking experts advice, get in touch with our healthcare specialists for free.

Things you must check before buying Herbal Enlargement Pills

Nowadays there are far too many herbal enlargement pills in the market that are promising to deliver the results. However, most of them indulge in scams with an aim to make quick money. They know that men have always been concerned about their penis size and wish to have a monster between their legs to … Continue reading “Things you must check before buying Herbal Enlargement Pills”

Nowadays there are far too many herbal enlargement pills in the market that are promising to deliver the results. aziz herbal capsules for enhancementHowever,

most of them indulge in scams with an aim to make quick money. They know that men have always been concerned about their penis size and wish to have a monster between their legs to fulfill their fantasy of never-ending sexual encounters.

Erectile Dysfunction and genuinely pea size penis are the main reasons why men are on the look for penis enhancement pills. The reality is that nearly 50 % of the men experience erectile dysfunctions from the age of 40. If you whack your brains, that is a lot of men!

No one knows for sure about exactly what leads to erectile dysfunctions, but it is believed that stress, anxiety, unhealthy lifestyle, and even financial problems can affect men’s libido and their sexual performance in the bedroom. But do not worry, because herbal male enhancement capsules are there to rescue you.

Herbal Pills Do Work!

Herbal pills are natural and safest ways to enhance testosterone levels that eventually boost your sex drive so that you no longer have to experience erectile dysfunctions again.

But a small warning- before you buy any kind of herbal male enhancement pills, you really need to know few things. There are hundreds and thousands of natural penis enhancement supplements in the market that absolutely do nothing.

Here are five tips you must follow when finding the right pill that works for you,


Always check the natural ingredients used to produce medicine or pills. Gain some knowledge about each and every herb for its effects. There is no harm in spending some time to check the authenticity of the product. It might save you from future nightmares.

Keep in mind that herbal ingredients have a lot of quality standards. Their rates vary with a huge margin depending on the good and the bad quality of the same ingredients.

No matter how loudly someone shouts about the effectiveness of the product, if the ingredients are not good then be prepared to get scammed. The answer is Na-da! It would absolutely be waste of time and money.

Check Real Reviews

“A big, strong erect dick” is what we expect as the end result. The main problem with male enhancement pills is that a lot of them just don’t deliver the desired results. But if you do your research and look for reviews, then you get a feedback from a real person who can tell you if the herbal enhancement pills you wish to buy actually work or not. While researching compare buyer reviews on the pills you’re looking to buy. Most likely, if the male enhancement pill has a lot of reviews, then you know it probably does work.

Healthcare Specialist Approval

Check if the herbal enlargement pills you wish to buy have been approved by a doctor or not? All your queries would be put to rest when the doctor gives his genuine approval on a penis enhancement product. Having a doctor’s approval will give you true satisfaction and complete peace of mind.

Product Research is Vital

Do your own research, compare the enlargement pills online and check out the ingredients of the product before buying. Most likely, if the male enhancement pill has a lot of reviews, then you know it probably does work.

Compare the Natural Supplements

After reading some reviews, you should make a list of the top herbal male enhancement supplements that you feel can work for you and are thinking of buying. Compare all the before and after testimonials from men who have used the herbal enlargement pills. Also, compare all their ingredient lists with each other.

Be Patient! Give some time for results to be visible

You should be patient and make sure that you take the herbal enlargement pills consistently for better results. There is nothing magical about the herbal enlargement pills and won’t do wonders within just 15 days or a month. One must at least try the pills for 90 days to experience the desired result.

Checking the size of the penis every day will also won’t help.

Have questions in mind? Visit our FAQ section for all your queries. Consult us for free.